1. The Best Personalised Compendiums

    Compendiums are often connected with the business world. But what people forget is that these portfolios actually serve as a fantastic notetaking tool for personal use. Below are our top three personal compendiums.

    Girl Holding Personalised Compendium

    1. Journal with iPad Holder

    This first compendium combines the practicality of paper with the modern ingenuity of iPads or tablets. This allows for simultaneous notetaking or the easy transfer from one medium to the other, and vice versa. Having technology and paper in one place makes all the difference. It also serves as a convenient way to safely transport your tablet device. This is not an authorised Apple product.


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  2. 2019 Compendium Comeback

    What is a compendium?

    What, at first, looks like a jazzed-up notebook has much more behind its title. The name originated from collections of knowledge often published by a specialist on a single subject. Now, compendium usually refers to these handy gadgets used to store both a group of your knowledge and a collection of tools to help you day-to-day.

    Technology versus the compendium

    In a world that seems increasingly disorganised and full of information, many have moved towards their smartphones and tablets to take down notes, draft documents, write essays and generally organise their lives. This is a society that increasingly feels the need for kindles, laptops, tablets, smartphones, Apple watches, and countless other technological devices to keep up with work, school, social lives and hobbies. Yes - that is quite a list of things to manage! So where does old fashion pens, pape and compendiums come in you might ask?

    No screen in the evening:

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  3. Marketing Idea for the Tech Savy

    These days it seems everywhere you look someone is staring down at a mobile, laptop, iPad or iPod. Technology is everywhere and has completely consumed our lives in one way or another. When your phone dies, how do you feel? It’s almost as though something important has been taken away and you cannot survive without it!

    Being stuck with no phone battery is inconvenient and annoying. No matter if it’s at the end of the day on the train home from work or late at night after a big evening out, it still bugs you… unless you have a power bank.

    Power banks are pocket sized friends that act as emergency battery chargers for the most popular range of smartphones. When your phone dies, your power bank is there to save the day. You simply plug the charger into your phone and it begins to restore it back to life- no wall sockets needed!

    Power banks are our life lifesavers,

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